Business News

How Visitors at Muller Martini’s drupa Stand Assess the New Generation of Machines

Rolf Steiner, Vogt-Schild Druck, Derendingen (Switzerland): “With the new, fresh appearance, all Muller Martini machines now have a uniform look. But I am even more impressed by the new operating system than the new design. With this, Muller Martini has made a quantum leap. I am also very enthusiastic about Connex because, as a higher level workflow system, it interconnects all machines. We intend to invest in a new Muller Martini saddle stitcher and want to then connect it to a PrimaPlus Amrys over Connex.

Monday 09. June 2008 - Rolf Steiner, Vogt-Schild Druck, Derendingen (Switzerland): "With the new, fresh appearance, all Muller Martini machines now have a uniform look. But I am even more impressed by the new operating system than the new design. With this, Muller Martini has made a quantum leap. I am also very enthusiastic about Connex because, as a higher level workflow system, it interconnects all machines. We intend to invest in a new Muller Martini saddle stitcher and want to then connect it to a PrimaPlus Amrys over Connex.

Giovanni Paolo (left) and Cristiano Lontani, Legatoria Editoriale Carfi, Castel Maggiore (Italy): “I am very impressed with what Muller Martini is presenting here at drupa – from an ergonomic and machine-color standpoint as well as a technical one. The fact that more and more servo motors are put to use in the machines leads to considerably higher flexibility and productivity.”

Svein Tore Ostad, All Trykk Otta, Otta (Norway): “The new, more ergonomic design makes the machine operator’s work much easier. But the Muller Martini machines are not only more modern, they also clearly have a much higher level of automation. For example, at our plant a machine operator can operate two Ventura book sewing machines at once.”
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