Offset Printing

Two sheetfed presses for Moroccan printing plants

On the KBA stand Abdelaziz Iraqui (2nd left) opted for a Rapida 105 while his son Mohamed (centre) and Réda Benchoukroun (3rd right) signed a contract for a Performa 66. Both presses will ship to Casablanca in August

Sunday 08. June 2008 - Rapida 105 and Performa 66 earmarked for Casablanca

Printers from Casablanca (Morocco) have simultaneously signed contracts on the KBA stand for two sheetfed presses. A Rapida 105 five-colour coater press with extended delivery and carton capability will ship in August to Litho Typo.

Although owner Abdelaziz Iraqui has been in negotiations with KBA for some time now, the award of the contract at Drupa came as something of a surprise for the competent sales team. Litho Typo, which is primarily a commercial operation, also prints lightweight packaging, eg for the pharmaceutical industry. The Rapida 105, with its ability to print a broad range of substrates, will signally enhance the company’s production flexibility.
While Abdelaziz Iraqui was busy signing on the dotted line for a Rapida 105, son Mohamed and his business partner Réda Benchoukroun were placing an order for a Performa 66, with which they are planning to expand the services provided by their own firm, Chrono Digital. The four-colour Performa, which will be their first offset press, will enable them to print medium- to long-run products. It, too, is scheduled to ship in August.
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