Offset Printing

Horizon Printing Industries on growth curve with KBA

Representatives of Horizon, Giffin Graphics and KBA cutting a cake at Drupa to celebrate the third contract within six months

Monday 02. June 2008 - Third Rapida in six months

Just six months ago, Horizon Printing Industries in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) fired up a Rapida 105 five-colour coater press with extended delivery and board capability.

And as this issue of Daily goes to press a second Rapida, an eight-colour perfector, is on the high seas heading for Horizon. But all good things come in threes, which is why managing director Aunali Khimji has now placed an order at Drupa for a third Rapida 105, this time a six-colour coater version with UV, hybrid and microflute capabilities.

The second and third Rapidas will not be installed at Horizon’s Sharjah headquarters but at two new production plants the company is building at a total cost of Euro 10 million in the International Media Production Zone (IMPZ) in Dubai. What is more, Rapida number two will be the first litho press to come on stream in this brand new tax free zone. This is because Horizon goes where capacity is required. From Dubai it can export to Egypt, Iraq and other states in the Middle East.
The quality and performance of the first press were what persuaded Aunali Khimji to install more Rapidas. Ramzi N. Kteili, managing partner of KBA sales agency Giffin Graphics, is naturally delighted: “KBA is extremely popular in the Gulf states. Without exception, all Rapida users earn good money with their presses.”
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