
Q.I. Press Controls at Ifra

IQMobile: QIPC's latest development

Friday 12. September 2008 - Q.I. Press Controls again has an innovative novelty to present: IQMobile.

For the first time, Q.I. Press Controls will demonstrate how one can easily get ‘in touch’ with quality management information by mobile access using an iPhone. Quality management by IQMobile will greatly benefit production managers, enabling them to retrieve current waste values anywhere, anytime, or receive an alert if the IQM detects that a predefined limit has been exceeded. The realtime information about the production process and changes in product quality, will facilitate prompt decisions based on sound facts.

Of course all other Q.I. Press Controls’ products will be presented at Ifra as well: the recently introduced new mRC, the, for the newspaper presses increasingly attractive, IDS (Intelligent Density System) and the ABD (Air Bustle Device) for automatic fan out control. With these innovative intelligent high-tech solutions, Q.I. Press Controls can help newspaper and semi-commercial printers to reduce waste and shorten makeready times without compromising their customary high product quality.

The international team of Q.I. Press Controls is present to show visitors her total solutions at Stand No. 8238.
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