Offset Printing

Love, Desire and Passion at bonitasprint

Cooling off in the heat: the next generation takes the ceremonial bath.

Friday 01. August 2008 - ROLAND 700 HiPrint makes print products desirable

“Love, desire and passion” – powerful emotions are not only the domain of television but were also evident at the bonitasprint Open House event in Würzburg at the end of July. This printing company simply radiated passion for printing along with manroland, Gmund Papier and Weilburger Graphics. The level of creative print products that are possible by working together was demonstrated live.

The long-established Würzburg company bonitas-bauer amalgamated with the Dieter Körner printing company at the beginning of 2008 to become bonitasprint gmbh. Now the new firm is a strong contender in the commercial printing market. The Open House “Love, Desire and Passion” attended by customers, friends and business partners was genuine proof of the firm’s performance capabilities.

Love of printing
Beauty may lie in the eye of the beholder but certain ideas also appeal to a mass audience. Pricnt products become particularly beautiful when different value-adding factors are combined. This was proven by the print demonstration at bonitasprint on a ROLAND 700 HiPrint with coating module and extended delivery. An attractive print product, outstanding print quality, discerning paper selection and creative coating were the components of an exclusive presentation: printing of different types of gift wrapping paper with scented coating. The innovative twin coating process was used for product enhancement.

Desire for variety
Experts from the companies involved in the printing process spoke at the event: on behalf of press manufacturer manroland, Sascha Ehrenberg explained what lies behind “Value Added Printing” and this is printing technology that ensures production efficiency and product value which was demonstrated at bonitasprint on that day. Stefanie Schachtner from Gmund Papier and Arno Dürr from Weilburger Graphics provided details about the variety of their products, namely papers and coatings respectively. The combination of creative product ideas, state-of-the-art printing technology and carefully selected consumable materials leads to enchanting print products.

A passion for the upcoming generation
Where love is, a new generation is bound to follow. This was represented by enthusiastic young printers whose apprenticeships were ceremoniously concluded. The unity and cooperation between the various value-adding partners is what makes the printing industry and print media so strong. The prerequisites for this to continue are looking good so long as all involved share love, desire and passion for printing.
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