Finishing & Screen Printing

POLAR provides a Munich school with the world’s 130,000th high-speed cutter

Handover of the jubilee certificate to Franz Brandhuber (middle) by Alfred Henschel (links) and Rolf Brand from POLAR. In the background some teacher colleagues.

Sunday 08. June 2008 - The Berufliche Schulzentrum Alois Senefelder, a school located in Munich, signs the lease for the 130,000th high-speed cutter to be built by POLAR

With about 1,500 pupils and students in three technical schools and two vocational schools, the Alois Senefelder School can look back on a tradition spanning 100 years. The printing and media technology center for Southern Bavaria is equipped throughout with the latest technology and is linked up to an international network.

As part of the modernization of the finishing section, two POLAR 92 XTs have been acquired for vocational training purposes. Both machines are linked up via P-Net. The two high-speed cutters will also be used in future to teach the fundamentals of the actual cutting process, how to handle the material and the creation of cutting programs.

And this is not the first time that the school has based its training program on POLAR machines. At drupa, Mr. Franz Brandhuber, Deputy Headmaster of the school, was presented with a certificate for the anniversary machine. Mr. Brandhuber was delighted by POLAR’s gesture. “We have been working with POLAR for 35 years and have never had any problems with the POLAR machines. They are perfect for training purposes. Linking-up prepress via Compucut, in particular, is a very professional solution.”
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