Finishing & Screen Printing

POLAR CountMonitor counts paper in the high-speed cutter

Sunday 01. June 2008 - One of the innovations POLAR will be presenting at the 2008 drupa is the CountMonitor option which allows to precisely count the reams down to a few sheets in high-speed cutter models XT.

Michael Neugart, Managing Director of POLAR, is very confident that this new option will have a positive response of the markets. “Of course, the CountMonitor will not replace a counting scale if you need the precise amount of cutting reams, e. g. when producing labels, but you can absolutely use the CountMonitor to determine how much material you have cut in the last shift, the last hour etc. On its production report the CountMonitor easily records the machine output. Especially for commercial printers this a very attractive alternative for getting a rough estimate of the quantities they have cut.

Before the production is started a menu guided reference measurement is carried out with a previously counted quantity. In this way you obtain a precision of +/- 5 sheets (which depends greatly on the material). The unit measures the clamp opening for each cutting ream.
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