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Das Large-Format-Geschäft behauptet sich erfolgreich im Rahmen der herausfordernden gesamtwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen und die Druckdienstleister begegnen ihnen mit kreativen Applikationen und vor allem mit einer gehörigen Portion an Anpassungsfähigkeit und der Bereitschaft, die eigenen Prozesse neu zu überdenken. Wir sprachen mit Mike Boyle, Senior Vice President of HP Large Format Go-To-Market, über Differenzierungsmög- lichkeiten, das vorherrschende Automatisierungspotenzial im LFP-Markt und neue Marktchancen.......

LFP - Large-Format-Printing

ADAPT – Amari Digital Printing Technologies to debut new solutions

Tuesday 06. September 2022 - Diversified print solutions provider ADAPT - Amari Digital Printing Technologies has revealed how it will use its stand at The Print Show 2022 to showcase a number of new machines and technologies in the UK for the first time.

ADAPT will be exhibiting across two stands at the show, with the aim of showcasing how it has a range of solutions to help visitors from all backgrounds and markets.
The smaller section of the stand will be dedicated to promoting ADAPT’s new partnership with Liyu UK, a specialist in large-format printing kit. Here, visitors will be able to view the Platinum Q2, a 2.2m x 2m hybrid flatbed machine that has never before been shown at a UK exhibition.
“We’re really excited to be displaying this solution for the first time in the UK,” says ADAPT’s general manager Dominic Bowen, adding: “It is an incredibly good-looking piece of kit and we think visitors to the show will really enjoy seeing what it can do.”
Over the walkway on the larger part of the stand, ADAPT will also be running a number of other machines from some of its major manufacturers, including leading brands such as HP, Epson, Mimaki, Summa and Canon.
Being demonstrated at a UK show for the first time will be the Arizona 135 GT, a UK flatbed printer that both enables sign-makers and print service providers to open up exciting new commercial opportunities.
Meanwhile, the Canon Colorado 1650 will be showcased at a UK exhibition for the first time since The Print Show 2019, with visitors able to view the new FLXFinish+ technology.
From HP, ADAPT will be displaying two of the manufacturer’s leading Latex solutions in the form of the HP Latex 800W and HP Latex 335, while a Summa plotter will also be running on the stand throughout the event.
In addition, ADAPT will showcase a Mimaki UCJV 300-160, a machine that was launched at The Print Show a few years ago, as well as a Mimaki UJF printer, which Bowen says will appeal in particular to promotional printers due to its ability to print on a range of objects such as golf balls and mouse mats.
“With everything opening back up, and the fact that we have had a good year we felt the time was right for the show,” Bowen says, adding: “We are expanding into different areas and the commercial print market is expanding again, which is fantastic for everyone.
“We’ve got a good line-up of manufacturers and partners, and a good portfolio of machines, some of which that have never been seen at a UK exhibition. We want to show everyone what ADAPT is about.”
The Print Show 2022 will take place from September 20th to 22nd at the NEC in Birmingham.
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Vielseitigkeit als
Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Das Large-Format-Geschäft behauptet sich erfolgreich im Rahmen der herausfordernden gesamtwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen und die Druckdienstleister begegnen ihnen mit kreativen Applikationen und vor allem mit einer gehörigen Portion an Anpassungsfähigkeit und der Bereitschaft, die eigenen Prozesse neu zu überdenken. Wir sprachen mit Mike Boyle, Senior Vice President of HP Large Format Go-To-Market, über Differenzierungsmög- lichkeiten, das vorherrschende Automatisierungspotenzial im LFP-Markt und neue Marktchancen.......