Finishing & Screen Printing

CSQ Intensifies Magazine and Semi-Commercials Business with Stitching and Cutting Solution

From left to right: Kurt Näf (Sales Manager Muller Martini), Ing. Dario De Cian (Managing Director CSQ), Dott. Carlo Antonio Goia (Consultant CSQ), Bruno Müller (CEO Muller Martini), Bernd Volken and Samuele Trovati (both Muller Martini Italy) at the Muller Martini stand at IfraExpo in Vienna.

Wednesday 21. October 2009 - Fourth Inserting Line from Muller Martini for Centro Stampa Quotidiani in Erbusco (I)

Only 18 months after commissioning its third inserting line from Muller Martini, incorporating a stitching and cutting solution, Centro Stampa Quotidiani in Erbusco, Italy, is investing in a fourth complete line. This will enable CSQ to increase not only its production capacity (particularly for magazines), but also the flexibility of its mailroom.

In addition to NewsGrip-A conveyor systems, FlexiRoll buffers, a NewsLiner-A inserting machine, three NewsStack bundle building lines with a route address system, three packaging lines (consisting of a film wrapping and cross strapping system) and an automatic ramp system, the fourth line also contains core NewsStitch and NewsTrim III components for in-line stitching and cutting of magazines and semi-commercials.

Specialist in Magazines and Semi-Commercials
Newspaper printing plant CSQ, which was founded nine years ago in Erbusco, Italy, as a joint venture between the two publishing houses SESAAB und Editoriale Bresciana in Erbusco, produces the three daily newspapers “L’Eco di Bergamo,” “Giornale di Brescia” and “La Provincia” – all published seven days a week (the last one in four different editions) – alongside an increasing number of magazines, newspaper supplements and semi-commercials. Eighteen months ago, in order to intensify its activities in this business segment, the printing house, which currently owns three coldset printing presses, invested in a complete mailroom system from Muller Martini, incorporating NewsStitch and NewsTrim III components for stitching and cutting.

“This system means we can keep all our options open,” says Managing Director and qualified engineer Dario De Cian. “We can stitch our magazines and semi-commercials in the NewsLiner and cut them in the NewsTrim, or stitch them directly in the printing press and cut them in the NewsTrim, or we can simply deliver untrimmed products that have been stitched in the printing press.”

Fourth Line Once Again Features Stitching and Cutting Components
According to Dario De Cian, the company’s experience with this system has been nothing but positive, so CSQ decided to expand on its investment in a fourth printing press by purchasing an additional mailroom line from Muller Martini with exactly the same configuration. The deciding factor for the installation was the upcoming plan to change the three daily newspapers from Rhenish format (38 x 53 cm) to Berlin/Italian format (31 x 45 cm), which is in the pipeline for next year.

Explaining CSQ’s decision, Dario De Cian says: “Because we needed a new inserting system for the new printing press anyway, we decided that opting directly for a second complete line, including the stitching and cutting components, would constitute a sound investment for the future. Our declared objective is, primarily, to cut our production times for the magazines and bring them more into line with those for the newspapers. At the same time, the stitching and cutting system provides us with a back-up, which in turn increases our flexibility.”

The contract for the fourth line was signed at IfraExpo in Vienna. The new line is due to be commissioned in October 2010 and features – just as the three existing lines do – the Muller Martini Mailroom Production Control (MPC) system, which enables full monitoring and control of the mailroom workflow.
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