

Monday 11. August 2008 - IFRA 2008, 27 - 30th October, Amsterdam, will herald a new era for Trelleborg Printing Blankets and its recently acquired subsidiary, MacDermid Printing Blankets, with the newspaper show providing the first opportunity for both companies to appear together on an exhibition stand.

IFRA will be the venue for a re-launch to the market of the Rollin brand of offset blankets, made by MacDermid Printing Blankets, while Trelleborg Printing Blankets says it is planning to introduce a significant addition to its Vulcan range for the newspaper sector, although for now the company is giving no further details.

“There has been a great deal of work going on behind the scenes since MacDermid Printing Blankets joined the Trelleborg stable, and IFRA is the perfect platform for us to inform customers about our joint plans for the future,” says Dario Porta, President of Trelleborg Printing Blankets. “It’s a very exciting period because the synergies and strengths of the two companies enable us to provide a unique range of blanket solutions. The newspaper sector is increasingly important for us and we’ve had a high take up of our metal-blacked blankets in particular.”

Both the Vulcan and Rollin brands will be promoted at IFRA with updated logos, which represent the new image of the group going forward.
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