Offset Printing


Wednesday 21. May 2008 - Tensor Group, Inc., a premier U.S. manufacturer of web offset press equipment, has recently sold new (additional) press equipment to Turkish printers needing to expand production and color capacity.

The Tensor T-400 and T-400BE single-width series equipment has proven to be a popular choice for printers that require increased color pagination capacity. The new equipment was sold through Pasifik Trading A.S., Tensor’s Turkish agency.

IMAJ A.S. purchased one Tensor model T-400 4-high tower and one 2-high arrangement to add onto its existing Tensor press. Imaj’s original press, installed in 2007, consisted of six Tensor T-400 4-high towers, one 2-high and two H-50 heavy-duty jaw folders, and was configured to print a maximum of 32 broadsheet pages with 24 pages in color and 8 pages in black. The Turkish market is now demanding 32 broadsheet pages of 4-color and 28-32 tabloid pages of full color. With the addition of the new Tensor tower and upgrading the existing 2-high into a 4-high tower, Imaj will have the ability to easily meet market demands and print up to 70,000 copies per hour when utilizing both folders simultaneously. The press addition will be installed during the third quarter of 2008.

Ertem Basim purchased one Tensor T-400BE series 4-high tower and one H-50 folder with quarter folder to be installed in the third quarter of 2008. The first Tensor press purchased by Ertem (displayed at the 2004 Drupa Show) was installed in 2004 and also consisted of one Tensor T-400BE series 4-high tower and one H-50 folder. The new (identical) press will double production of full-color signature-type products at Ertem, enabling the customer to better serve its specific market demands.

Imaj and Ertem have made Tensor their equipment supplier of choice due to the high level of print quality they achieve, the durability of the existing Tensor equipment, as well as the outstanding local support they receive from Pasifik Trading A.S.

Tensor Group, Inc. is a privately held manufacturer of single-width web offset press equipment for commercial, insert and newspaper markets worldwide. Over 2200 units have been successfully installed in more than 35 countries since Tensor’s inception in 1993.
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