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Koenig & Bauer vocational school recognized as Bavarian climate school

Tuesday 24. October 2023 - The first step on the way to becoming a certified climate school is determining the school-specific CO2 footprint. This is followed by the creation of a climate protection plan in which concrete climate protection measures are recorded.

The Koenig & Bauer vocational school in Würzburg will in future be part of the climate schools in Bavaria. The award recognizes schools that organize their school operations sustainably and gradually realize CO2 savings. At the same time, a climate school should give its students skills to shape the future sustainably and make climate-friendly actions tangible.
School principal Manuel Eisenmann received the bronze certification level certificate at an award ceremony on September 28, 2023 in Munich from Michael Piazolo, Bavarian State Minister for Education and Culture, and Thorsten Glauber, Bavarian State Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection. This means that the Koenig & Bauer vocational school, along with 50 other schools from Bavaria, will now be considered a climate school.
The first step on the way to becoming a certified climate school is determining the school-specific CO2 footprint. This is followed by the creation of a climate protection plan in which concrete climate protection measures are recorded. With their help, the determined CO2 footprint should be gradually reduced in the following years.
The project involves teachers and students equally. Potential savings are identified and implemented in a total of eight fields of action (waste, purchasing, nutrition, communication & networking, compensation & carbon sequestration, mobility, electricity, heat).
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