Inkjet & Digital Printing

How Print Enhances a Lifetime of Learning

Tuesday 27. September 2022 - Thousands of the packs, containing a reading or activity book, were sent to children with fewer opportunities. The aim was to stimulate interaction with language in a playful way and transfer the joy of reading to children at an early age.

By Erwin Busselot, Director Business Innovation & Solutions, Ricoh Graphic Communications, Ricoh Europe
During the summer holidays some children in The Netherlands received Letter Fun Packages from De Bollebozen Boekieclub, the Youth Education Fund, and the VoorleesExpress Foundation.
Thousands of the packs, containing a reading or activity book, were sent to children with fewer opportunities. The aim was to stimulate interaction with language in a playful way and transfer the joy of reading to children at an early age.
The vital role print can play in supporting children’s learning was highlighted by the E-READ (Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitisation) study from Intergraf, the European federation for print and digital communication.
The research examined the results of 54 studies with a total of over 170,000 participants from 19 countries. It found comprehension of text is much stronger when reading from paper as opposed to a screen, particularly when the reader is under time pressure.
It also discovered students progressed only one third as much when using a screen as they would have done had they been reading on paper.
With print it is easier to absorb information. Our comprehension, concentration and retention are greater. Our memory and vocabulary are improved.
The findings led Intergraph to call upon policy makers and educational organisations at both national and European levels to ensure that print retains a significant role within education.
Long after school, print remains a preferred choice of readers as Two Sides’ Busting The Myths found. 69% of European consumers choose to read books in print, with 61% opting for printed magazines and 54% for printed newspapers.
It is more trusted too.
According to the latest Print Power infographic print performs well in the seven pillars of trust. It reported that printed newspapers and magazines offer credibility, proximity, and transparency and are three times more trustworthy than online media.
Print has the power to engage us at an early age. It enables us to learn and retain more and then we continue to prefer and trust it. It ignites a passion that can last a lifetime,com
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