
Cardbox Packaging invests in ecological solutions

Thursday 15. September 2022 - According to Chris Düringer, Director of Cardbox Packaging Group, With Arkana, we save 86% of the amount of chemicals. This reduced our waste volume by 39%. Our water consumption has dropped by 94%. The amount of labor required has decreased by 80%.

The Cardbox Packaging Group, an international producer of high-quality and sophisticated carton packaging, promotes smart ideas that positively impact its business and help to protect the environment.
As part of its sustainability program, Cardbox Packaging uses Energy Elite Eco printing plates at its sites in Wolfsberg (Austria) and Zádve?ice (Czech Republic). These plates require less energy, and they lower water and chemical consumption. In addition, high print runs, even in UV printing, can be realized with a single set of plates, which also helps to save resources.
According to Chris Düringer, Director of Cardbox Packaging Group, “With Arkana, we save 86% of the amount of chemicals. This reduced our waste volume by 39%. Our water consumption has dropped by 94%. The amount of labor required has decreased by 80%.”
Thanks to its focus on quality and sustainability, the Cardbox Packaging plant in the Czech Republic was once again awarded a Silver medal by the international auditing company EcoVadis in 2022.
EcoVadis evaluated the company’s approach to sustainable development based on 21 criteria in the field of environmental protection, working conditions and human rights, ethics and sustainable development, resulting in 92nd percentile among all ranked companies. The EcoVadis methodology is based on international CSR standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000.
Such awards, as well as participation in initiatives such as the 4evergreen alliance, promoting low-carbon and circular fiber-based packaging, prove that environmental responsibility is not just a phrase to the Cardbox Packaging Group.
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