
Circular Economy Initiative Germany: Working group publishes first report on packaging industry

Monday 22. March 2021 - The CEID, an initiative supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the participating companies, brings together stakeholders from business, science and society. Its purpose is to develop common goals and a concrete roadmap for a circular economy in Germany.

The “Packaging” working group of the Circular Economy Initiative Germany (CEID), of which Siegwerk as a leading ink manufacturer is a member, has published its report. In it, both opportunities and challenges of circular economy approaches in the packaging industry are assessed. The report will be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The CEID has identified three relevant research fields: circular business models, traction batteries and packaging. A working group with representatives from industry, science and civil society is responsible for each of these areas. The WGs investigate the potential of the circular economy for their respective focus – the collected results are now part of the report of the Packaging WG. With the help of these findings, a comprehensive roadmap for a circular economy in Germany is to be developed. The publication date is spring 2021.
The Packaging Working Group is made up of 21 member organisations that represent the entire value chain in the packaging sector. Within 15 months, the working group developed a vision for circular packaging in Germany and drafted a corresponding plan to realise it. The final report describes the necessary framework conditions that need to be created in order for a circular economy to function in the packaging sector. It also identifies existing barriers, describes circular economy opportunities and outlines a list of 42 measures that need to be implemented by different actors to achieve the target vision.
“The Circular Economy Initiative Germany has confirmed how important cross-value chain cooperation is. Bringing representatives of the entire packaging value chain to one table has given us a comprehensive and systemic view of our industry. This is the only way we can successfully manage the transformation of the packaging market and seize the opportunities in the Circular Economy,” says Dr Ralph Detsch, Chief Technology Officer at Siegwerk.
The final report of the working group will be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and can be used as a basis for future political decision-making processes.

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