
DataLine To Showcase Impostrip Solutions at Dscoop Czech Republic

Wednesday 29. March 2017 - Ultimate TechnoGraphics Inc. is pleased to announce the participation of its partner-reseller, DataLine, to the Dscoop Czech Repubic event on April 5th 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic to showcase all the benefits of using Impostrip to automate prepress and post-press.

Ultimate Impostrip: Automation Drives Results.
DataLine will be demonstrating Ultimate’s Impostip which offers an advanced set of tools to automate digital and hybrid printing and finishing for short runs, book of one, photobooks, photo prints, labels, and wide format, in-store displays, and more.

Impostrip offers Czech Print Service Providers key feature to optimize their equipment such as:
• Dynamic Imposition
• Intelligent and flexible Mark Profiles
• Conditional marks
• Dynamic data driven barcodes with precise yet dynamic placement
• Origami virtual paper folding for easy work planning setup,
• Automated True Shape Nesting
• Automated Ganging

DataLine: An Ultimate Reseller
DataLine is a cutting-edge Czech company focused on the supply of hardware and software for computer graphics, communications and related services. DataLine has the knowledge and resources to help digital printers automate their digital print production using Impostrip.

Dscoop Czech Republic
Dscoop is a dynamic and forward thinking HP user group which offers a great platform for information sharing. Ultimate TechnoGraphics has been a partner of Dscoop since its inception and has been providing the HP user community with automated and innovative solutions.
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