Offset Printing

KBA Builds Longest Large Format Press For Packaging Industry

Wednesday 16. November 2016 - Record-setting KBA Rapida 145 57-inch with a total of 14 printing and finishing units will be delivered at end of 2016

KBA is proud to announce the near-completion of its longest large format press for the packaging industry. The record-setting KBA Rapida 145 57-inch press with a total of 14 printing and finishing units will be delivered to IPI International Packaging Industry in Arzano, Italy from the KBA factory in Radebeul, Germany. IPI is a member of the Seda International Packaging Group.

The highly-automated KBA Rapida 145 57-inch press is to be used primarily for the printing of food packaging with a particular focus on fast-food packaging. It has been specially configured with one printing unit and a coater before the perfecting unit for this purpose. IPI is also an acknowledged supplier of packaging for coffee and chocolate.

In addition to its record-setting length of more than 138 feet, the press boasts a maximum production output of 15,000 sheets per hour. It stands on a raised foundation and is equipped with both UV and conventional drying. The long list of important automation features includes pile-handling logistics, SIS sidelay free infeed, Simultaneous Plate Changing with Plate Ident and Simultaneous Form Change, EasyClean (coated ink duct plates), CleanTronic Synchro, Simultaneous Roller Washer and UV, coating supply and cleaning systems for dispersion and UV coatings, EES, VariDryBlue IR/hot-air/UV drying, QualiTronic ColorControl with LiveView, PSO Match and Quality Pass, as well as LogoTronic CIPLinkX.

IPI invests regularly in sheetfed offset press technology from KBA. The company already operates two six-color Rapida 162a presses and a seven-color Rapida 142, all with coating units. Originally, Seda exclusively purchased presses from a different press manufacturer. Over the past years, however, those presses have been replaced with 14 KBA Rapida presses.
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