Finishing & Screen Printing

Confidence high as Ibis grows digital output into 15th year of business

Thursday 16. January 2014 - With some more groundbreaking announcements to be made in this important 15th year of business for Ibis, and a healthy order book, there are exciting times ahead as we continue to work with all major printer vendors.

Confidence is high and our innovative approach is designed to cement the long-standing customer relationships we build and maintain across the world with our world-class systems and service. Last year, we launched the high performance Smart-binder ‘Plus HS’ and world-first Smart-binder X model and sold our first two Sprint-binder 4-clamp perfect binders. We also announced important distribution and service agreement alliances with MBO and Bell and Howell in the USA.
MBO is assisting us to distribute IBIS products in USA and China, as well as supplying Smart-binder spare parts and support. Meanwhile, our customers in the USA may also obtain product support from Bell and Howell which maintain a 24×7 Smart-binder parts depot, repair capability, service, supplies and consumables.
Watch out for some other important announcements that will be made in the near future. We will continue to further ramp up production and service with our world-leading systems which provide high-volume output in the highly competitive, 24×7 operating environments in which many of them operate.
Thank you on behalf of all the Ibis team for your continued support and custom. 2014 will be another dynamic year in this increasingly digital age where our world-renowned systems and service will continue to set the highest standards in performance, quality and customer care.
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