Business News

Barbara Schulz takes over as CEO of Durst Digital Technology GmbH, Lienz, Austria

Thursday 09. January 2014 - With effect from 07.01.2014, Barbara Schulz has been appointed as the successor to Klaus Schneider, who died in a fatal accident in the Spring of 2013, onto the Executive Board of Durst Phototechnik Digital Technology in Lienz, Austria.

Mrs Schulz, 53, is moving to the Durst Group from the German-American global market leader in thermal process technology, Ipsen. Her most recent post was as CEO of Ipsen subsidiaries in South East Asia and India. Her professional background had previously taken her to Germany, where Mrs Schulz held various management roles at ESK Ceramics GmbH, a leading manufacturer of high performance ceramics. As Vice President she was responsible, amongst other roles, for Sales and Marketing, as well as Business Development and Product Development.
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