
Adobe Positioned as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management

Thursday 08. August 2013 - Adobe Positioned Highest in Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision

Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. as a Leader in the 2013 “Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management”* research report. Adobe was positioned highest in ability to execute and completeness of vision in the report. The evaluation criteria for a vendor’s ability to execute included product/service, overall viability, sales execution/pricing, market responsiveness and track record, marketing execution, customer experience and operations. Criteria for completeness of vision included market understanding, marketing strategy, sales strategy, offering/product strategy, business model, vertical/industry strategy, innovation and geographic strategy.
“Gartner’s report evaluates the dynamic and rapidly growing nature of the Web content management market. It’s a clear reminder that the days of simple Web publishing are long gone; organizations now require a range of digital marketing capabilities for delivering the ultimate customer experience,” said Aseem Chandra, vice president, Adobe Experience Manager and Target business, Adobe. “We believe being positioned furthest ‘up and to the right’ in the Gartner report continues to validate Adobe Experience Manager as the best solution to help marketing and IT leaders deliver highly personalized experiences across Web, mobile and social channels.”
Deeply integrated with other solutions in Adobe Marketing Cloud, Adobe Experience Manager delivers capabilities for Web content management, digital asset management, social communities, and dynamic media delivery across digital channels. The solution provides marketers with touch-enabled applications that can be deployed in the Cloud or on premise, helping organizations deliver engaging customer experiences that build brand loyalty.
According to Gartner, “Leaders should drive market transformation. Leaders have the highest combined scores for Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision. They are doing well and are prepared for the future with a clear vision and a thorough appreciation of the broader context of Online Channel Optimization (OCO). They have strong channel partners, a presence in multiple regions, consistent financial performance, broad platform support and good customer support. In addition, they dominate one or more technologies or vertical markets. Leaders are aware of the ecosystem in which their offerings need to fit. Leaders can demonstrate enterprise deployments, offer integration with other business applications and content repositories, and provide a vertical-process and horizontal-solution focus.”
Gartner states, “Web Content Management (WCM) plays an increasingly important role in business performance. It has become, in many cases, the central point of coordination for initiatives involving the enterprise’s online presence, and these initiatives have become more sophisticated and more important to enterprises’ business strategies. Thus, WCM is key for organizations wishing to execute a strategy of OCO that embraces areas such as customer experience management, e-commerce, digital marketing, multichannel marketing and website consolidation. WCM’s evolving role continues to drive growth in this market and contribute to its dynamism.”
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