
Busy 1st Quarter of Installations for Presteligence

Friday 10. May 2013 - Production Workflow at top of list

Presteligence deployed their flagship production workflow software, NewsXtreme, and other production modules into 11 newspapers in the most recent quarter.
The mostly onsite installations were spread across the United States including Rochester Democrat, Arizona Republic, and Asbury Park Press, Deseret Sun, Gazette Journal, and Worthington Daily Globe. Ink Presetting modules were also installed at Gazette Journal, Indianapolis Star, and Miami Herald. For those newspapers making the choice to print in the battle of print or be printed, legacy systems are begging for upgraded software to accommodate for additional commercial jobs and more modern interfaces with remote access. NewsXtreme has met that need. Now in its third major revision and serving more than 100 newspapers of all sizes, sales and installations continue to flourish for NewsXtreme and its associated solutions like ink optimization, ink presetting, and Blackmagic color calibrated proofing.
Other installations include Toronto Globe and Mail’s Tearsheet Solution upgrade. GAM has been using Presteligence’s Tearsheet System since 2004. Different from Adinfinitum, GAM directly hosts the software for its advertising clients as opposed to Presteligence hosting it for them. Their upgrade includes major site changes, more administrative reports, and customization for their agency/client work.
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