LFP - Large-Format-Printing

Azonprinter continues to break records with number of fairs in June and presents its breakthrough technology all around the world.

Thursday 09. August 2012 - Welcome to June, the month were Azonprinter has exhibited in even two fairs all around the world. Azon keeps adding value with its portfolio of products by exhibiting in most important fairs in digital printing industry: Algiers International Fair and GFT 2012 show in Thailand.

GFT is one of the biggest trade show for garment and textile manufacturing industry in Thailand were Azonprinter’s booth was constantly flooded with vistors all around the world. GFT show sets new trends in the garment and textile industry and represent an unique opportunity to explore and engage in new business. Azonprinter is proud to announce its great success on the show and hopefully participation also in 2014.

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