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Roland DG: Situation in Japan

Friday 18. March 2011 - Last week, Japan was hit by a heavy earthquake and a destroying tsunami. Various cities at the coast were wiped off the map by waves several metres high. The human grief is intense and the consequences for Japan's ecology and economy are enormous.

The headquarters of Roland DG are located in Hamamatsu, about 250km southwestwards of Tokyo. Contrary to the Tokyo and Fukushima region, Hamamatsu was spared by the natural disaster. Eli Keersmaekers, CEO at Roland DG Benelux: “The situation in Japan makes a deep impression on us. We feel for all the people that are affected by this disaster. In the past couple of days, we had contact with our Japanese colleagues. They insured us that all staff member of Roland DG are safe and that the production plants were spared. That is a big relief for us, but the events in Japan remain horrifying.”
The consequences for Roland DG are limited. The machine deliveries are as planned and the production stays on track. Eli Keersmaekers: “Our dealers and end-customers don’t have to worry. We can deliver the machines without delays.”
As part of its celebration for Roland DG’s 30th birthday, the company wanted to start with a contest for end-customers. This contest was delayed temporarily. Timo Keersmaekers, Marketing Manager at Roland DG Benelux: “We decided not to start with the contest at this moment. One of the prizes would be a trip to Japan for two persons. Given the situation in that country, we don’t think it’s appropriate to give such a prize. In the next days, we will discuss with our Japanese colleagues what we are going to do but for now, we won’t start with the Creative Awards. We hope our clients will have sympathy for this decision.”
Roland DG will keep track of the situation in Japan. We will inform you about possible consequences for the functioning of our company.

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