Business News

PRINT: Lean, Green and Seen – PrintCity members focused on business growth at Ipex

Tuesday 16. February 2010 - At Ipex 2010 in May, PrintCity Alliance members Leonhard Kurz, manroland, MEGTEC, Merck, Océ, Sappi, Tolerans, UPM and Weilburger Graphics are focusing on three leading industry ‘hot topics’ to drive discussions on business growth opportunities with visitors.

The overall PrintCity show theme is PRINT: Lean, Green & Seen which interlinks three subjects which are all connected to industry profitability, business efficiency and future growth opportunities:
Lean   = Productivity, Efficiency & Standardisation
Green = Environmental Impact
Seen   = Value Added Printing & Packaging
These themes are ‘the three pillars of profitability’ because of their importance to future technology investments and hence customer business growth.
Importantly, for the period 2010 to 2012, the alliance is focusing its knowledge base on areas which can drive additional business growth & profitability worldwide – from increasing efficiency, reducing energy usage and exploiting new value added printing & packaging opportunities, as well as generally reducing impact on the environment.
The PrintCity Alliance exhibition area 17-D921 at Ipex is a ‘connection of competence hub’, where visitors can access information, discuss growth opportunities with market leading businesses in the alliance and plan their future profitable investments.
Visitors to Ipex can get company information from participating PrintCity members before the show or request meeting appointments for Ipex, May 18-25, by using this online link:  
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