Offset Printing

New Issue of Heidelberg News

Quality in the print media industry - a multi-faceted business factor

Wednesday 21. October 2009 - Quality in the print media industry - a multi-faceted business factor

All printshop customers expect their particular quality requirements to be met in line with agreed terms and conditions. Any printshop looking to impress both extremely discerning clients and walk-in customers, wanting to safeguard existing fields of business, or seeking to explore new ones needs perfectly tailored production facilities. Above all, equipment needs to be particularly cost-effective across the board.

Success in practice
In the latest issue of its customer magazine, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) highlights how a number of printshops meet these quality requirements in their day-to-day operations. This time round, Heidelberg News includes articles examining the business model of U.S. printshop Kirkwood Printing, which produces countless jobs at high speeds on its Speedmaster SM 102 and XL 105 presses, operating round the clock six days a week.
Brothers Stéphane and Jean-Luc Pujol, based in the Médoc region of France, take a completely different approach. They print top-quality labels for the region’s finest wines on a Speedmaster SM 52, an old SORZ, and an even older Tiegel press.

Good, inexpensive, and efficient
In an interview devoted to the benefits of Saphira products, Peter Tix, who heads up Heidelberg Consumables, explains that good does not necessarily mean expensive. And Dr. Joachim Englisch, Senior Vice President Remarketed Equipment, explains why pre-owned equipment from Heidelberg is the absolute first choice for many printshops.
Readers will also discover what makes the compact Eurobind 1300 PUR adhesive binder a real giant in terms of quality and how efficiently astonishing effects can be achieved with Pantone colors on Anicolor inking units.
Last but not least, this issue asks a group of experts about the future of print media and discovers how we all allow our consumer behavior to be manipulated by professional trendsetters.
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