
Mailers Can Now Use TagMasterTM to Ensure 45-day Unique Serial Numbers for Intelligent Mail Barcode

Thursday 06. August 2009 - Window Book releases new 'IMb NMS Number Management System' in TagMasterTM software to ensure 45-day uniqueness of Intelligent Mail barcode numbers on tray/sack/pallet tags across all jobs for all classes of mail.

One of the requirements for Intelligent Mail Full Service is using unique serial number for trays/sacks and containers which must remain unique for a period of 45 days from the Postage Statement date of mailing in .CSM record. Mailers can use IMb Number Management System for both Mail.dat and non-Mail.dat jobs in TagMasterTM to produce IMTL and IMCL compliant barcodes.

TagMasterTM is a cost effective tagging software that mailers can use to print Intelligent Mail barcodes for containers, trays, sacks, and pallets. It is easy-to-use software that mailers can use to print single tags on-demand or in batch by utilizing Mail.dat files. It also lets you store the data, so you can reprint tags later as needed.

“TagMasterTM is just one of the ways Window Book is helping mailers get ready for implementing Intelligent Mail. Our mailing and shipping software are continuously being enhanced to enable mailers to participate in Intelligent Mail Full Service and use the latest Mail.dat, Mail.XML eDocs and PostalOne!,” said Jeffery Peoples, Window Book’s CEO.
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