
Solamet Manufacturing Capacity Doubles, Significant Increase in Demand Expected

DuPont Microcircuit Materials (MCM), part of DuPont Electronic Technologies, recently doubled production capacity for DuPont™ Solamet® thick film metallization pastes and made key quality improvements at its European Electronic Materials Manufacturing Facility in Bristol, U.K.

Monday 02. March 2009 - DuPont Microcircuit Materials (MCM), part of DuPont Electronic Technologies, recently doubled production capacity for DuPont Solamet thick film metallization pastes and made key quality improvements at its European Electronic Materials Manufacturing Facility in Bristol, U.K.

DuPont MCM expects a significant increase in demand for Solamet that should continue over the next several years, driven by the anticipated long-term growth in the photovoltaic (PV) solar energy industry.
“DuPont MCM undertook this expansion project to support the fast-growing photovoltaic market in Europe and the increasing portfolio of Solamet products jointly developed by MCM research facilities worldwide, including our newest Solamet PV159 front side conductor,” said Craig Oliver, European business manager, MCM. “We expect the growth trend to continue in PV, enabled by Solamet and other materials from DuPont Photovoltaic Solutions.”
In addition to the increased production capacity for Solamet and other MCM thick film materials, which are used in a wide variety of electronic applications and destined primarily for customers in Europe, the expansion project also enhanced clean-room facilities to meet the continually improving quality requirements of MCM customers.
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