
Finch Paper Gets Highest Marks for Photo Reproduction on HP Indigo Systems

Friday 06. February 2009 - RIT Testing Commissioned by HP

Finch Paper today announces that Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) testing commissioned by HP has resulted in Finch Fine iD papers scoring the highest marks possible (3 stars) for photo reproduction on HP Indigo systems.
Finch Fine iD has become renowned for its authentic feel and vivid color reproduction. Topping the brightness levels of coated papers, Finch Fine iD’s uncoated, non-glare surface conveys a sense of high-quality without the glitz.
Finch Fine iD – from 50 lb. text to 14 pt. cover – achieved the highest scores (3 stars) possible for demanding photo applications (see addendum, following). Primary factors include ElectroInk fixing (adhesion) for photo peeling and flaking, and blanket memory. These factors heavily influence not just the quality of the final print, but also the paper’s performance and productivity.
The timing, says Finch Paper’s Anthony McDowell, vice president for sales and marketing, couldn’t be better.  “The market is quickly moving toward papers that look fiscally and environmentally responsible – and so, customers are choosing uncoated paper. Finch offers the best value in the uncoated category: 3-star performance at the right price.
“Many digital photo products, such as photo albums, are also moving to uncoated papers for their tactile, keepsake quality,” McDowell says, citing studies including a December 2008 InfoTrends forecast that projects the photo book segment to grow from $377 million in revenue in 2008 to reach $1.2 billion in 2013*.
“HP Indigo printers and photo finishers who choose archival Finch Fine iD, which delivers the look and feel people expect in a photo book, can therefore avail themselves of a powerful opportunity to take advantage of this growth area.”
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