Offset Printing

Additional Keynotes Announced for the Offset and Beyond 2009 Conference

Friday 23. January 2009 - The Web Offset Association (WOA) and Printing Industries of America are pleased to announce additional keynote speakers for the printer-to-printer business and technology conference, Offset & Beyond 2009, taking place May 4-6 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada.

As Winterberry Group’s senior managing director, Bruce Biegel leads the firm’s consulting practice and establishes its strategic and operational agenda. A seasoned executive with more than two decades of hands-on experience in building businesses from the ground up, his diverse responsibilities have included strategic and business planning, financing, global multichannel marketing, technology development and support, legal coordination, and financial management.
Joseph Baksha took leadership of Outlook Group Corp., (a publicly traded company), in 1997 as president and has served as CEO from 2004 to 2009. During his tenure, he led the management team in developing the company’s focus on single source and supply chain managed solutions, resulting in long-term agreements and increased financial stability. Under his leadership, Outlook grew and prospered. He took the company private in 2006.
Jonathan Bailey, operations business manager for Heinz North America, is a thirteen-year veteran of the food industry.  He has held positions in R&D, marketing, and the supply chain for companies such as Ross Products, Pillsbury, and Heinz. His current responsibilities include coordinating strategy for new product development, and cost reduction between the supply chain and general management.
Daniel Sanchez, senior procurement manager for Heinz North America, began his career in food packaging in the mid 90’s in the international division of The Pillsbury Company in Minneapolis, converting U.S. products into international labeling for export to Asia and the South Pacific. In 2000, Nestlé and The Pillsbury Company (Häagen Dazs brand) merged their ice cream divisions to form Ice Cream Partners, LTD, where Sanchez was named packaging manager. Now at the HJ Heinz Company in Pittsburgh, he is responsible for the external manufacturing of more than 15 million cases of product annually.
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