
Global Vision Set to Discuss its Artwork and Copy Verification Solutions at PACE 2009.

Wednesday 21. January 2009 - Global Vision’s text and artwork verification tools ensure packaging accuracy from creation to print.

Global Vision, the leader in automated proofreading solutions for the consumer packaged goods industry will be present at PACE from February 5-8, 2009. They will be discussing how packaging verification technology can prevent copy and artwork errors.
“Our clients produce thousands of packaging components each year in a multitude of languages and designs. Keeping track of changes and ensuring the accuracy of all these components a very difficult task. There are many factors to consider, such as the participation of numerous departments, lengthy artwork approvals and quality control checks,” said Reuben Malz, President of Global Vision. “By taking the proper precautions to secure their packaging workflow, our customers have seen a decrease in time-tomarket and artwork approvals, along with significant improvements in their processes.”
Digital-Page, an automated artwork comparator, compares all graphical and textual elements of two documents for differences. Digital-Page detects any changes that may occur such as color, font, registration, and missing or added text. Extensive reporting documents all changes, ensures accuracy and helps protect against costly errors. Docu-Proof, a text verification tool, detects all textual changes in documents regardless of layout or format. It includes the inspection of foreign language characters and even Braille. It allows the user to ensure complete precision when reviewing and publishing critical documents. Docu-Proof dramatically eases the challenges that professionals face on a daily basis when trying to manage and ensure the accuracy of packaging components, contracts, and publications.
Top pharmaceutical and consumer goods companies from around the world have already implemented Global Vision’s solutions. Companies such as Wyeth, Procter & Gamble and L’Oreal are among those that have experienced cost savings, increased efficiencies and higher levels of quality.
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