
Machines Dubuit at Emballage 2008

Unbounded serigraphic impression of form on plastic and glass

Wednesday 08. October 2008 - Unbounded serigraphic impression of form on plastic and glass

Machines Dubuit Booth: To discover in the range, a digital machine of screen printing on SPECIAL plastic Cosmetic Packaging, the CNC Carousel type 921/14-P, being able to be equipped with various devices of supply. It allows a printing of high quality without screen raising, up to 5 colors, on 360 ° all around any geometrically developable shape. A speed of production allowing more than 75 cycles per minute, an access and an easy use and an extremely short production change-over time. (picture)

SIEMENS booth: The last Machine Dubuit 902, « Mono-head, mixed enamels, or UV ink », Conceived to prepare upstream, on a mobile side screen, the programming and the realization of the pre-series, in automatic semi. It arranges a head of printing independently adjustable, synchronized by the main electronic control, fitted with 2 to 6 servo driven axis: object rotation, object vertical movement, screen side movement, squeegee vertical and horizontal movements…. As well as a system of control over an external support USB to protect the parameters of production and transfer these last ones on the range 912 et 982. (picture available on the Virtual Exhibit of the company, Image Gallery)
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