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FlexTech Alliance Announces Business and Investment Summit 2009

Thursday 25. September 2008 - 8th Annual Flexible Electronics and Displays Conference Adds Premier Event to Launch Flex Week 2009

The FlexTech Alliance (formerly known as the U.S. Display Consortium or USDC), the only organization headquartered in North America devoted to developing the electronic display and the flexible, printed electronics supply chain, today announced the addition of a Business and Investment Summit to its annual Flexible Electronics and Displays Conference during Flex Week 2009 set for February 2-5 in Phoenix, Ariz. The inaugural all-day event, set for Monday, February 2, will kick off Flex Week with its “Bridging the Information Gap” theme. This summit is aimed to connect innovators and manufacturers of flexible, printed electronics and displays with investors and consumer product developers in an effort to foster a stronger ecosystem in the burgeoning printed electronics markets.

“The markets for printed electronics are emerging, and while quickly growing, still remain relatively small due to cost and performance hurdles for mainstream use. As a part of resolving these challenges, companies need to better understand the value of investing in flexible and printed electronics innovation, and how these enabling technologies will shape the future of consumer electronics,” noted Kevin Cammack, FlexTech’s director of technical marketing and development, and organizer of the summit. “The summit is chartered with that very objective in mind — cultivating greater understanding among the players within the chain — by bringing together influencers in an active forum discussion in an effort to further collaboration.”

The Business and Investment Summit will open with an overview of the opportunities and markets, featuring visionary and pragmatic talks from leading market research firms, investment banks and venture capital firms. The summit will also host a business roundtable luncheon that will bring together attendees for more focused discussions, followed by an afternoon session on investment opportunities, strategies, pitfalls and lessons learned. This portion of the all-day event will highlight private companies and start-ups that are developing game-changing technologies in flexible, printed electronics and displays, and will be followed by a reception for networking and additional dialog. Featured keynote addresses and panelists during the event include key players such as, CMEA Ventures, Uni-Solar, Crate & Barrel, Applied Materials, Motorola, Mark Andy Inc., Cintelliq and Lux Research.

The summit audience will consist of top-tier investors, senior management from fast-rising start-ups, and technology directors from innovative manufacturers of flexible, printed electronics including:

— Printing processes and technologies (e.g., materials, substrates)
— Equipment for high-throughput manufacturing of large-area electronics
— Sensors and RFID
— Photovoltaics
— Solid-state lighting and OLEDs
— Flexible displays

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