LFP - Large-Format-Printing

Contex Announces Tekgraf Corporation as Sole Stocking and Premier Authorized U.S. Distributor

Monday 08. September 2008 - Enhanced Partnership Unifies Channel and Improves Access to Inventory and Customer Service

Contex Americas, the world-leading developer of wide-format scanning and imaging solutions, today announced its appointment of Tekgraf Corporation as the sole stocking and premier authorized distributor of Contex brand wide-format scanners for the United States.

This move is intended to unify the Contex/Vidar channel and to improve distribution and customer service to both Contex and Vidar dealers in the U.S. market.

Tekgraf will now hold inventory for both the Contex and Vidar brands. This new arrangement will enable larger amounts of scanner stock to be held in the United States, and is expected to reduce or eliminate stock shortages while improving delivery times. Additionally, this arrangement offers Contex dealers easy access to additional products and services from Tekgraf, providing additional sources of revenue.

The Contex Americas sales staff will be organized to support all Vidar and Contex dealers, regardless of which brand they represent.

?We are very pleased to enhance our exiting partnership with Tekgraf by including Contex branded scanners. We’re confident that the combined strengths, service expertise and talent of our two companies will deliver a positive experience for dealers and end-customers alike,’ says Phil Magenheim, President and COO of Contex Americas.

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