
Kodak Executive Rod Hughes to Discuss Ways to Maneuver the Maze of Distributed Capture and Document Processing at TAWPI 2008 Kodak Executive Rod Hughes to Discuss Ways to Maneuver the Maze of Distributed Capture and Document Processing at TAWPI 2008

Monday 25. August 2008 - Mailroom automation, digitally driven check processing, and changing compliance and audit regulations represent several of the many trends in the evolving document management market. Rod Hughes, Director of Marketing, United States and Canada, Document Imaging, Kodak’s Graphic Communication Group, will share his insights on these and other content management issues at TAWPI 2008 Forums & Expo at Walt Disney World, Orlando, Fla.

Hughes will participate in two panels with other document imaging professionals at TAWPI. At “The Future of Document and Forms Processing Automation” session on Aug. 25, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Hughes will discuss topics such as the changing digital mailroom; impact of desktop scanners on SMBs, remote offices and other vertical markets; and how specific regulatory acts affect document management. During “Maneuvering Through a Maze of Distributed Capture Options-Panel Discussion at TAWPI Expo” on Aug. 26, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Hughes will talk about the role of distributed capture for SMBs and financial institutions.

“Companies are constantly seeking ways to improve their workflow processes to increase productivity and efficiency across their businesses,” said Hughes. “With market data showing that 80 percent of the information around us is unstructured, with the majority of it on paper, document management professionals are continuously searching for new methods to make this information easy to use digitally.”

With more than 13 years of progressive industry experience, at TAWPI Hughes will share how his implementation of global business strategies has helped to drive corporate initiatives and support the changing needs of the industry’s customers for Kodak.
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