
Glam Media Announces GlamX – The First Vertical Ad Exchange for Display & Video Ad Targeting and Optimization

Thursday 10. July 2008 - GlamX Allows Publishers and Brand Advertisers to Optimize Vertical Ad Inventory Across the Glam Publisher Network

Glam Media, the pioneer of vertical content networks and number one in reach for women online, today announced the launch of GlamX Ad Exchange, the Web’s first vertical ad exchange for display inventory placement and targeted brand advertising. GlamX Ad Exchange enables advertisers to target by audience, content and placement effectively connecting publishers, advertisers, agencies and networks in one innovative platform.

“By maximizing the exchange of open inventory between publishers and advertisers in a fast and efficient vertical ad exchange, GlamX delivers the efficiency our agencies and Glam Publisher Network partners have wanted online for a long time,” said Fernando Ruarte, CTO for Glam Media.

The GlamX Ad Exchange is the first vertical display advertising marketplace bringing together quality advertisers that want mass reach with professional publishers. GlamX brings ease to buying display advertising quickly and efficiently and brings increased value from available ad inventory. Media planners and buyers can set campaign goals and attributes creating increased return on investment for their brand ads. Publishers get an additional source of revenue by improving their sell through and offering additional ad inventory.

With this announcement, Glam now offers publishers, agencies and brand advertisers a full set of digital advertising services with the Glam Evolution Ad Services platform: Glam Digital Primetime(TM) for premium display and video ads; Glam Interactive Solutions for custom brand engagement campaigns; and now GlamX Ad Exchange for all other brand ads, below the fold and non-primetime remnant ads.

“GlamX Ad Exchange compliments the Glam Evolution Ad Services platform by allowing members of Glam Media’s Publisher Network to optimize their non-primetime inventory while simultaneously helping advertisers reach their intended audience. Everyone wins,” said Ryan Roslansky, VP of Products for Glam Media.

The GlamX Ad Exchange is designed specifically to allow members of Glam Media’s Publisher Network to make additional ad inventory available to Glam approved brand advertisers, agencies and trusted ad networks. Advertisers can reach a highly targeted and engaged audience with secondary ads that provide far better reach. GlamX is an open exchange, allowing brands to bid for different targets and optimize their spending in a fully transparent environment.

Unlike broader ad exchanges and ad networks, GlamX is the first vertical exchange that brings audience focus and channel context to display ads. GlamX can target and deliver ad inventory by audience, content, primetime, page placement and context on the Glam Publisher Network. Agencies and brand advertisers using GlamX then gain access to impact and audience profile analysis, ad target analysis, brand metrics and audience segmentation effectiveness metrics-all of which can be used to improve allocation of advertising budgets across campaigns. In addition, Glam Evolution’s Digital Primetime targeting and new audience behavior reporting capabilities combined with Glam Media’s reach of more of 42 million unique monthly visitors in the U.S. and 77 million global uniques will both maximize monetization and provide valuable insight on brand awareness.

The GlamX beta is available immediately to select digital agencies and publishers in the Glam Publisher Network. GlamX will be available to all agencies in Q4 of 2008.

The Glam Publisher Network was formed in November 2005 with 12 initial charter members and has grown over to become the largest distributed vertical content network and category leader in women on the Web today. Glam facilitates the building of businesses for its hundreds of publishers by allowing them to focus on creating content and engaging their audiences while Glam Media’s vertical network connects branded display advertisers with the online audiences of 500+ Web sites and blogs in the Glam Publisher Network. Glam’s vertical content network is five channels today including Living; Fashion & Beauty; Entertainment; Health & Wellness and Family. Curated from hundreds of sites in the Glam Media Publisher Network, each channel offers a distinctive blend of original editorial, syndicated and media partner content created by trendsetting insiders and experts. Glam Media interfaces with a network of partners to provide a host of media services such as display and video advertising, content syndication, advertorials, search and other applications.
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