
Catholic Relief Services Goes Global with Open Text’s Market Leading Digital Asset Management Solution

Tuesday 13. May 2008 - Artesia DAM Solution Simplifies Workflow Process, and Brings Photos and Creative Content to Catholic Relief Services Field Offices and Partners Around the World

Open Text (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTC), a global leader in enterprise content management (ECM), today announced that Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has successfully implemented Open Text’s Artesia Digital Asset Management (DAM) system to manage images and other creative content produced as part of the organization’s humanitarian efforts around the world. The system will be available as a self-service model to be accessed by the organization’s various field offices.

Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. The agency provides assistance to people in more than 100 countries and territories based on need. With field offices around the world, CRS employees and volunteers spend a large portion of their time taking photos and creating documents pertaining to program initiatives in diverse locations. With the collection of images and other content growing fast, CRS needed a robust digital asset management solution to store and manage it all.

“We want to show donors how their funds are helping communities affected by devastating circumstances. Depicting these stories through the thousands of images we take and documents we create is key to continuing the work we do at the grassroots level,” said Guy Arceneaux, Director of Graphic Services for Catholic Relief Services. “Open Text, with its Artesia Digital Asset Management solution, is helping to get our message across by giving us the tools we need to effectively manage all of these image-based and written assets in one central location that can be easily accessed by any of our partners and field offices around the world.”

With the global roll-out of Artesia DAM, CRS employees and volunteers now have a single point of management for all digital media files and underlying metadata information. Through a self-service model, users can easily find, access, edit, share, reuse, distribute, and archive their images and creative content, all within unique workflows and using the desktop applications of their choice such as Adobe InDesign. Previously, all requests for content had to come into the CRS headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland, where requests had to be fulfilled by burning CDs and shipping them to field offices.

“Through images and other creative content, Catholic Relief Services is helping to increase awareness of communities in dire need around the world,” said Scott Bowen, President of Artesia, the Open Text Digital Media Group. “With Artesia DAM, the organization will be able to save precious time and money by eliminating the high cost and inefficiency of physical material duplication and shipping. This will allow CRS to concentrate less on cumbersome internal processes and more on helping people in need.”

Open Text’s Leadership in Digital Media Solutions
Artesia, Open Text’s Digital Media Group is a leader in enterprise Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions, bringing a depth of experience around rich media workflows and capabilities. Artesia DAM, an award-winning and proven solution, is the choice of leading companies such as Time, General Motors, Discovery Communications, Paramount, HBO and many more.
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