
New Non-Destructive Test Method for Pouches Offers Easy Handling and Testing Convenience

Thursday 01. May 2008 - PTI Inspection Systems will showcase a new leak tester for pouches at the Interpack Show, April 24-30, 2008 in Düsseldorf, Germany, Hall 12/Booth C13-03.

“Recognizing the increasing demand for a package integrity inspection solution for foil barrier pouches and poly peelable chevron designed pouches, we developed the VeriPac 325/D”, stated Oliver Stauffer, applications engineer. “It is the only non-destructive leak tester for peelable pouches and is an all around economical and versatile package inspection system for a wide range of pouch sizes. This test method is a practical
alternative to destructive testing because it eliminates the subjective results, the waste and cost associated with these methods and offers quantitative data that means something. A major advantage of the VeriPac 325/D is that test results are measurable and repeatable.”

Stauffer explains “The unique difference with this new test configuration in how the package is tested. PTI utilizes its patented flex chamber that conforms to the package shape and size. The flexible membrane will reduce test chamber head space
for maximum test sensitivity detecting down to 10 micron hole size in pouches up to 30″ x 30″. The VeriPac 325/D is also capable of testing different size pouches and even multiple pouches without any changeover in parts or settings.” The VeriPac 325/D utilizes an ASTM approved vacuum decay leak test method (F2338) recognized by the FDA as a consensus standard for package integrity testing. This test method was developed using VeriPac leak test instruments. A comprehensive IQ, OQ, PQ validation qualification package is also available.
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