
MetalFX Certifies Pressroom Trainers

Thursday 27. March 2008 - MetalFX Technology—a Ciba Specialty Chemicals Corporation subsidiary—has begun certifying pressroom trainers in its popular metallic printing software. The first certification class was conducted at PIA/GATF in February and additional classes will be conducted in the near future.

Discussing the certification program, MetalFX Vice-President Americas Mark Geeves commented: “Although printing metallics with the MetalFX process is significantly easier than printing conventional metallics, the process is counterintuitive to many press operators. We are certifying both independent pressroom color consultants and major graphic arts dealer personnel, who can assist printers in making the transition to the MetalFX process. Many of the certified MetalFX trainers are also fully trained in the G7 color process—thus ensuring that they are familiar with the latest pressroom color techniques.”
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